Saturday, September 17, 2016

First week of Rehearsals...

Well, well. Who would have thought the band and crew would have spent so much time in rehearsal yesterday, laughing out of control at the antics of the singer working out yet another running order. I won't go into detail, but let’s say it resulted in a surprise or two for the audiences that we will soon be visiting around the U.S.A., Toronto and Vancouver. 

On our third day together everyone in the band was in good shape, and let’s face it, the playing can only get better over the coming weeks!

It’s hard to believe, but this is the Pretenders’ longest break from touring since they began in 1978. I have the usual start up aches and pains from putting in long hours, but generally the old bones are holding up. I am after all into my 50th year of playing in front of audiences!

I am so looking forward to this tour. Keep a look out for a few of our own shows being dropped into the many days off on the tour with Stevie.

More news soon. 



  1. Please please please be in Houston Martin.
    Let the dog see the Rabbit!

  2. In the spring of 1980 my father, in a seemingly benign act of kindness that would affect every decision I made for the next 30 years, took me to Wherehouse Records and Tapes for a spending spree; on this day, I would leave with the five albums that would help me see my entire future:

    AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell” with its power and rhythm, Pretenders’ “Pretenders.” (Chrissie. I’d spend the next 20 years looking for that bad girl), Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers’ “Damn the Torpedoes” (the simplicity of the hook), B-52’s Rock Lobster (“… his earlobe fell in the deep”) and The Knack’s “Get The Knack” (stop reading and listen to “Let Me Out”).

    I recently relived that guitar solo from Pretenders’ “The Wait,” and I experienced the long-forgotten rush that comes with listening to something so perfect. And my girl and me are those losers that get lucky sometimes, despite our previous adventures on the highway to hell.

    We'll see you at The Forum - where I saw my first concert, The Knack, 36 years ago.

  3. Great news! Did apply for tickets at the BBC so fingers crossed to get to see the show? All the very best Martin.
    Alex. (Drums - the Troy Redfern Band)

  4. Miss you Martin ! Looking forward to seeing you play real soon !!!

  5. Brilliant news!!! Thanks for the update Martin!!!
