As you can see in the photo the evening started with tremendous promise, but the following morning in the sunshine with the prospect of two flights ahead of us, the story of what transpired shortly after I left my band of merry men became groaningly obvious. Some of our number were ‘never againing’ again.
Lately the shows have been very enjoyable and I look forward to the show tonight in Columbus, Ohio.
On other matters, my computer had died a few days before and now here
in Columbus I had time to go to a store to extract much needed info. from
the desktop and install in my new device.
It is currently snowing
heavily. I hope the roads don’t freeze tonight for our eight hour drive S.E.
to Raleigh.
------------------------------ Take care on the roads . . . . .
M.D.C. --- --------- --------------
Sounds like a jolly good time;;safe travels;;;Jimbo*******************